About us

The public consumer movement in Ukraine is an important component in the formation and development of civil society in Ukraine, as the consumer community is the largest in our country, as in any other country in the world.

The voice of the consumer should be heard confidently, drawing the attention of society to the needs, quality, safety and culture of consumption and influencing important decisions of the government and business with the interests of consumers in mind.

The creation of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Consumers "PULSE" was initiated by many leaders and activists of consumer organizations, Consumers should keep their finger on the pulse of events and maintain it in good condition with their active civic position - this is the approach of all members of the UFS "PULSE".

Our goal and objectives

The purpose of the Pulse is to combine the efforts of consumer associations from different regions of Ukraine to effectively protect the legitimate rights of consumers, improve the current legislation in this area, promote the interests of the consumer community, equal access of all consumers to quality and safe goods, works and services, including residents of remote villages and towns, people with disabilities to meet their consumer needs and improve consumption standards.

The range of tasks is wide and focused on the challenges of the time, but always has a priority

  • information field for consumers,
  • systematic consumer education for children and youth,
  • legal education of a wide range of citizens,
  • promoting the practice of effective assertion of their legal rights by consumers,
  • creating social advertising in the interests of consumers,
  • Strengthening the capacity of public consumer associations and their partnerships with commercial organizations in the European Union and around the world.

Best foreign experience

The activities of independent consumer organizations (NGOs) are widespread all over the world, and in most developed economies they are actively supported by governments, which consider it important to delegate some social functions to public associations, while providing them with organizational and certain financial assistance, and sometimes even orders for the implementation of relevant and important programs. Thanks to this position, the state receives the results of many socially significant programs in the interests of the entire consumer community. The state's attention and support of the consumer movement contributes to the growth of consumer confidence in their protection in the domestic market of goods and services, and in the constant attention of numerous specialists to the consumer sphere.

From the history of the consumer movement in Ukraine

Consumer associations appeared in Ukraine in the late 1980s in response to the challenge of the times. Ukraine was the first among the USSR republics to adopt the Law on Consumer Protection in 1991, which, according to a 1998 study by European experts, was recognized as one of the best laws in comparison to similar laws in many countries. "The state supports the activities of consumer associations," the law states. "The state protects the rights of consumers, controls the quality and safety of products and all types of services and works, and promotes the activities of public consumer organizations," the Constitution of Ukraine states.

At the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, consumers in Ukraine must strengthen their ranks, act consciously, and influence the improvement of the current legislation in the field of consumer protection, primarily the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Protection."
The power of the LAW is above all!

Challenges of the times

In the context of globalization of world trade and the common market, experts note a trend of growing demand in society for the services of independent consumer organizations. Ukraine did not stay away from global processes. Despite limited resources, public activists are aware of their role in improving the lives of the consumer community.

The public consumer movement requires active involvement of young people, which can strengthen the consumer's position in the market, add energy and modern vision of new generations to solve numerous problematic issues in the relations between consumers and other market participants.

Significant attention should be paid to consumers in rural areas who lack information, guidance and expert advice. People with physical disabilities also deserve special attention from consumer advocates, as they have specific needs in addition to the well-known ones.

The children's audience is also today's consumers who strive for high-quality and diverse consumption and do not want to be deceived. At the same time, children need certain knowledge in accordance with their age, in particular, regarding their attitude to advertising, balancing between the desires and capabilities of the family, etc. PULSE is working on creating its own online resource to provide feedback to consumers and all government and business representatives interested in listening to consumer opinions. The balance of interests between all parties is the key to achieving modern consumption standards.

Membership and representation of WFU "Pulse"

The All-Ukrainian Federation of Consumers "PULSE" is a member and representative of the Ukrainian consumer community in the International Organization of Consumers International (CI).
Pulse member organizations are also proud of the federation's membership in influential public platforms:

  • as a member of the Ukrainian side of the EU-Ukraine Civil Society Platform (EU CSP);
  • Ukrainian National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF and UNP);
  • Public Coalition "Reanimation Package of Reforms" (RPR Coalition);
  • The Expert Council on Social and Economic Rights under the representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

We have earned the right to represent these and other respected organizations through our many years of work in the interests of consumers and in partnership with many civil society organizations in Ukraine, the EU and other countries, representatives of honest business and government.